aims to develop a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly realization of energy harvesting.



The SYMPHONY concept

In a Nutshell

SYMPHONY – Smart Hybrid Multimodal Printed Harvesting of Energy – makes use of dislocated and disordered energy sources with the development of an innovative energy autonomous sensor system.  The energy supply in this system will be completely made of printed, recyclable, and non-toxic materials including the ferroelectric polymer P(VDF-TrFE), printable silicon-based rectifiers, redox polymer batteries and cellulose based supercaps.

The SYMPHONY project develops cost effective and scalable methods to print these materials on flexible films and to combine them with energy efficient electronics and sensor technologies. With the scalable and low-cost processing, in combination with optimized Integrated Circuits for energy harvesting, the SYMPHONY project strives the goal of a specific cost below 1€/mW harvesting power.

Let’s Start Something new
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    Project Coordinator

    Dr. Jonas Groten
    Joanneum Research (Austria)


    Dissemination Manager

    Michèle Isopp
    Messfeld GmbH (Austria)
